Furthering the reach of our academic community's own voice.

Ourblogs.aalto.fi site hosts the blogs written by members of Aalto University: faculty, staff and students. Visiting bloggers are invited by Aalto community members.

Our blogs is multilingual: the platform and general instructions will be in English to serve the whole community. However, each blogger and author can freely choose the language in which they publish.

Person holding tablet walking by lighted Aalto logo A

Featured posts


The mindful path to meaning

Detaching from thoughts can lighten your mind about work but also strengthen its meaning

Uskonnot Aallossa 1

Religions in Aalto - building a more inclusive campus

April's EDI discussion session's theme was Religions at Aalto. Read here what the facilitators from AaMu (Aalto Muslims Association) thought

Timo Viherkenttä

Kiinteistövero jengoilleen - nyt!

Kiinteistöveron perusteena olevat verotusarvot ovat pahoin rämettyneet. Nyt on aika korjata tämä.

Career Design Lab -piirroskuva

Becoming a transcender

Self-transcendence is a question of the values you steer your life and career by.


Jos ihminen olisi kone

Jos ihminen olisi kone, sen kyky säädellä energiatasojaan tilanteen mukaan, korjata ja kehittää itseään näyttäytyisi hämmentävän taidokkaana

In cost-benefit analysis, the benefits of the assessed service are compared to the costs associated with the data production and distribution.

What is the value of earth observation data?

With socioeconomic impact assessment it is possible to specify and quantify the impact that earth observation data has on our society.

tree stems

A closer look at tree stems

Understanding the spectral behavior of bark might be surprisingly useful in remote sensing and other fields of research.

virtual computer lab

Virtual Labs for Deep Learning with Audio Course

A review of Azure Lab Services in teaching the "Deep Learning with Audio" course at Aalto

Aurélien Nioche

Creating the perfect teacher: How a cumbersome start with Japanese led to a better self-teaching app

Aurélien Nioche describes his recent work on a model that predicts learning outcomes days into the future

Penguins in front of SA Agulhas II

Kohti Etelämannerta

Aalto-yliopiston professori, jäätutkija Jukka Tuhkuri kertoo tutkimusmatkastaan Etelämantereelle.

Student's study setup with a book and takeaway coffee

How to set goals as a student? The 3-step framework

Areeb shares his tips on setting goals as a student. Spoiler: reflecting on your values, skills and resources might be helpful.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing Blue

Hurja itsemyötätunto käytännössä

Miksi itsemyötätunto on erityisen tärkeää yliopiston kaltaisissa yhteisöissä?

With new solution-based recycling processes, more raw materials can be recovered from batteries. In the picture, a red cobalt salt and a blue-green nickel salt have been obtained from a battery cell. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya / Aalto University.

Accelerating the global energy transition: Clean energy demands socially just policies

Policy, technology, and practice must be aligned to accomplish the shift to clean energy, say Aalto's experts.

Leigh Ewin

A glimpse of A Grid with Leigh Ewin

Leigh Ewin, jack-of-all-trades at A Grid, tells the story of the recently established startup community.

Two guys working together

4 Ways To Successfully Onboard Into A New Role post-graduation

Well, done! You have graduated, and landed a job. What are the next steps you can take to make your transition to the company smooth?

Aika stage at the Suomi Areena event in Pori in 2017.

Advancing climate actions in the places we live: Designing cities to store carbon 

Simple changes in urban planning can reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon storage, offering tools to help meet emissions targets.

Prototypes from the FlowerMatter project

Delivering the practical solutions needed to adapt to climate impacts – Bio-based materials could move us beyond plastic 

By processing lignin, cellulose, and other plant matter into new bio-materials, research is opening paths to sustainable alternatives.

Blog posts

Hand with pen and a picture of a lock

Rethinking AI: Stepping Back from the Generative Hype

The rapid growth of generative AI makes it hard for companies to keep up and in-source knowledge, but there are better ways to learn.

Uudistetut vaatetarinat | Miska Kettu

Opiskelijahaastattelu suunnitteluprosessista - Miska Kettu

Uudistetut vaatetarinat | Elma Leminen

Opiskelijahaastattelu suunnitteluprosessista - Elma Leminen

Uudistetut vaatetarinat | Pauliina Friberg

Opiskelijahaastattelu suunnitteluprosessista- Pauliina Friberg

Uudistetut vaatetarinat | Sofia Dinello-Morais

Opiskelijahaastattelu suunnitteluprosessista - Sofia Dinello-Morais

Uudistetut vaatetarinat | Saimi Parikka

Opiskelijahaastattelu suunnitteluprosessista - Saimi Parikka

Redesign Suunnittelijan Näkökulmasta

Suunnittelijan näkökulmasta on olennaista luoda vaatteita, jotka ovat kestäviä ja pitkäikäisiä. Redesign-ajattelua voidaan soveltaa jo suunnitteluvaiheessa, esimerkiksi modulaaristen vaatteiden kautta tai valitsemalla kestäviä materiaaleja tai miettimällä ratkaisuja, joiden avulla vaate olisi helposti korjattavissa.

In the image words innovation policy, dollar sign, lamp and a truck.

Suomen innovaatiorahoitus osa 3 – Tuotekehityksen jalostusarvo ja sen maantiede

Myös yritysten T&K-toiminnan tuotoksia ja tuottavuutta tulee mitata, toteavat Aino Salmi ja Timo Seppälä tuoreessa kolumnissaan.

Vesivoiman rooli säätövoimana

Sähkömarkkinalta ei löydy perusteita vesivoiman luontovahinkojen korjaamisen viivytyksille.

Timo Viherkenttä

Oikeudenmukainen verotus – hei kiva idea!

Verotukselta toivotaan usein tasapuolisuutta, yhdenvertaisuutta ja oikeudenmukaisuutta. Asia ei ole kuitenkaan yksinkertainen.

A future laboratory with AI assisting in the backround.

AI consultancy for research during the summer & AI in Aalto

Artificial Intelligence consultancy available in June and July.

Personal assistance for research groups with more demanding AI needs that aren't easily resolved through IT Service Desk tickets. Use case consultation and practical solutions recommendations.

Please contact [email protected]

All the Aalto AI information can be now found in one place AI in Aalto hub. From official guidlines, to hands on instructions, to Aalto AI Assistant use, prompting, API for research, Aalto AI research projects and more.

Industrial paper machine at the Aalto Industrial Internet Campus

Haluatko pelastaa maailman ja tulla miljonääriksi? Katse omaan napapaitaan!

Jari A.T. Laine ja Timo Seppälä tarkastelevat kestävän kehityksen ympärillä tapahtuvan uuden teollisen kierron haasteita.


People sitting in a big seminar hall, Department Head Jens Schmidt opening the seminar on stage.

Tuta Blog

Blog posts from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University.


Chosen for Redesign

Aalto University fashion and textile students in collaboration with second-hand clothing seller Emmy, explore how the lifespan of discarded clothing could be extended through redesign approaches.

Oasis of Radical Wellbeing blogs

Tools for taking care of your and your community's wellbeing.

Iivo Vehviläinen standing in a staircase.

For a Cooler Planet

This blog interprets economics research findings on energy and environment.

Timo Viherkenttä


Blogissa kommentoidaan ilmassa liikkuvia asioita verotuksesta, eläkerahoituksesta, julkisesta taloudesta ja sijoitusmarkkinoista.


TechBytes are quick, snack-sized articles and videos covering research and innovation technology solutions and ways to boost your academic productivity.

Aalto University logo on campus

Politiikkasuosituksia – Policy briefs

Tutkijoiden kannanottoja parempien päätösten tueksi;
Bridging the gap between science and decision making

Hightech+lowtech wall: Elias Sime (2018), Facebook HQ, Menlo Park. Photo Antti Ahlava


The blog explores themes that are telling of transdisciplinary strategy tools and experimental collaboration methods.

Aalto University building

Art and Media Research

This blog is for publicising research activities and events in the Department of Art and Media.

Aalto University students studying in a group

More Than the Degree

Aalto Squad student ambassadors' blog. Read all about student life and studies at Aalto University!

Fingers touching

The Aalto Formula

The unique combination of art, technology and business provides the perfect platform for innovation.

Kuva maljapallosta.

TUNTO2 Blogi

Tämä on TUNTO2- tutkimusprojektin blogi. Hankkeessa tutkitaan tunnetoimijuutta strategian toteuttamisessa.