
Hightech+lowtech wall: Elias Sime (2018), Facebook HQ, Menlo Park. Photo Antti Ahlava

Co-How is one of the four Aalto University funded Radical creativity projects. The blog explores themes that are telling of transdisciplinary strategy tools and experimental collaboration methods.

This blog is for anyone interested in transdisciplinary collaborations and ways of combining academic and practitioners’ activities in creative production!


The members of the Co-How project and authors of this blog are: 

Director of the project, Professor, Emergent Design Methodologies Antti Ahlava (Department of Architecture)

Doctoral researcher Claudia Auer (Department of Architecture)

Post-doctoral researcher Laura Berger (Department of Architecture)

Professor, Organisational Communication Johanna Moisander (Department of Management Studies)

Professor, Strategic Urban Planning Raine Mäntysalo (Department of Built Environment)

Academy Fellow Johanna Ylipulli (Department of Computer Science)

Blog posts

A group of people at a fish tank, photo: Aalto University/Mikko Raskinen.

The role of infrastructure in facilitating cross-disciplinarity

Hybrid concepts and metaphors across disciplines are created by working together in concrete material-spatial conditions.

3 images from multi-stakeholder workshops showing sheets of paper with post-it notes and people presenting and discussing.

Professional Cultures as an Obstacle and an Enabler for Radical Transdisciplinary Creativity

Professional cultures are largely invisible but transdisciplinary work requires recognizing and addressing their effect.


Leadership for organizational creativity—creating conditions for creativity

While creativity arguably is a skill or capacity of an individual, it also requires collective effort and empowering leadership.

Flowchart for design

Towards a Constructive Critique of Transdisciplinary Design

Transdisciplinarity can be subjected to ideological critique to develop its better version.

What kind of learning does radical creativity imply?

Workshop on radical creativity, what it means and how it could be supported.

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