Art and Media Research

Aalto University building

In this blog we regularly publish recent research related activities and events in the Department of Art and Media. For the old research blog from the Department of Media please visit

Blog posts

Miniature landscape

Public Defence in Art Education, Architect Toni Kauppila

Thesis: Turning the Tables: Emerging Practices of Pedagogic Architect

Complex illustration of game expats

Public Defence in New Media, MET Solip Park

Thesis: Understanding Game Work Migration: Game Expats in Finland

Schedule of activities and cover image of Antonio Lieto's book titled "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds".

Cognitive Design for AI

Doctoral school on the topic of Cognitive Design for AI.

Pencil drawing of a chart

Public Defence in Art Education, MA Marja Nurminen

MA Marja Nurminen will defend her thesis: The teaching of drawing in higher arts education – articulating the practitioners’ orientations

Still image from performance, where a person is dropping liquid into someone's eye.

Public Defence in Art Education, MFA Einat Amir

Thesis: Synthesizing Art and Science: A Collaborative Approach to Understanding Intergroup Relations and Contributing to Social Change

abstract image of green and dark textures

Public Defence in Art & Media, MFA Jaana Okulov

MFA Jaana Okulov will defend her thesis: Quantifying Qualia – Aesthetic Machine Attention in Resisting the Objectifying Tendency of Thought

Green book cover with round image of children playing with sand.

Public defence in New Media, MA Jaana Brinck

Doctoral Thesis: "Grounded Principles for Open Design Pedagogy: Design Perspectives on Early Years Pedagogy with Digital Technologies"

Papers hanging by clips on a thread indoors. Black plastic boxes with books at the bottom of the image.

Paradata: Example of an artist-researcher's curriculum vitae

Andrew Paterson’s presentation in the Doctor of Arts Seminar in New Media.

Round cropped image of sky with aeroplane in distance

Public Defence in Photography, MFA Hanna Timonen

MFA Hanna Timonen will defend her thesis: "Ordering the Everyday – Serial photography, repetition and everyday acts".

overflowing tube of toothpaste

Public Defence in Contemporary Art, MA Andrea Coyotzi Borja

MA Andrea Coyotzi Borja will defend the thesis: "In the middle of things: on researching the infraordinary".

A person in a light blue cap taking a picture with a red digital camera

Public defence in Photography, MFA Liisa Söderlund

MA Liisa Söderlund will defend her thesis: "In the picture – photography as a practice of liberation"

Collage style image with construction site and Iranian tapestry

Public Defence in Contemporary Art, MA Ali Mousavi

Thesis: "Beautiful Rotten Tehran. A Multi-Sensory Artistic Research On Contemporary Urban Design in Tehran (Pardis Phase 11)"

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