Art and Media Research

Public Defence in Art Education, MFA Einat Amir

MFA Einat Amir will defend her thesis: "Synthesizing Art and Science: A Collaborative Approach to Understanding Intergroup Relations and Contributing to Social Change" on April 25th, 2024, at 12:00 in D-sali (Y122), Otakaari 1, in Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art and Media and online.

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Still image from performance, where a person is dropping liquid into someone's eye.


This dissertation explores the concept of synthesizing art and science, suggesting that equal collaborations between these fields can yield innovative solutions to contemporary 'Wicked' problems. 

It examines artists’ vital role in shaping individuals and societies, emphasizing art as an impactful force that can foster a more inclusive, empathetic world. 

Situated within the interdisciplinary domains of socially engaged research, ArtScience, and artistic research, this thesis has a special focus on the synthesis of participatory performance art and social psychology as a methodology that can contribute to intergroup relations. The synthesis of art and science in collaborative ventures offers enormous possibilities for innovative research. Beyond this, it has a multifaceted impact—it can educate, influence, and evoke change in multiple ways.


Doctoral candidate: MFA Einat Amir
Opponent: Assistant Professor Matthew Pelowski, University of Vienna
Custos: Associate Professor Helena Sederholm, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art and Media
Time: Thursday 25.4.2024, 12:00 – 14:00
Location Undergraduate center, D-hall (Y122)
Online attendance: Possible through this Zoom link.
Event language: English
The audience is kindly asked to enter the lecture hall no later than 12:00.

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