Featured blogs
Blogissa kommentoidaan ilmassa liikkuvia asioita verotuksesta, eläkerahoituksesta, julkisesta taloudesta ja sijoitusmarkkinoista.More Than the Degree
Aalto Squad student ambassadors' blog. Read all about student life and studies at Aalto University!Blogs
More Than the Degree
Aalto Squad student ambassadors' blog. Read all about student life and studies at Aalto University!
Chosen for Redesign
Aalto University fashion and textile students in collaboration with second-hand clothing seller Emmy, explore how the lifespan of discarded clothing could be extended through redesign approaches.
Usable and accessible eHealth services for everyone / Käytettävät ja saavutettavat sähköiset terveyspalvelut kaikille
Blog from research group focusing on usability and accessibility of eHealth services.
Tuta Blog
Blog posts from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University.
The blog explores themes that are telling of transdisciplinary strategy tools and experimental collaboration methods.
TechBytes are quick, snack-sized articles and videos covering research and innovation technology solutions and ways to boost your academic productivity.
Blogissa kommentoidaan ilmassa liikkuvia asioita verotuksesta, eläkerahoituksesta, julkisesta taloudesta ja sijoitusmarkkinoista.
Politiikkasuosituksia – Policy briefs
Tutkijoiden kannanottoja parempien päätösten tueksi;
Bridging the gap between science and decision making
Art and Media Research
This blog is for publicising research activities and events in the Department of Art and Media.
The Aalto Formula
The unique combination of art, technology and business provides the perfect platform for innovation.