Politiikkasuosituksia – Policy briefs

Informational Infrastructures for Impactful Mission-Oriented Innovation Policy

The policy brief introduces informational infrastructures as a solution to advance innovations tackling grand societal challenges. 

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By Robin Gustafsson, Niko Lipiäinen, Ville Valovirta, Robert van der Have  

Missions aimed at addressing grand societal challenges are advancing more slowly than desired due to significant obstacles in coordination, decision-making, access to data, and the regulatory environment. This policy brief introduces informational infrastructures as a comprehensive policy framework designed to accelerate the development of solutions to these challenges. It articulates the rationale for policy actions that encourage the creation and innovation of informational infrastructures and offers specific recommendations for policymakers. These recommendations are based on insights from the IN2MISSION research project, funded by Business Finland, and aim to guide the strategic design and implementation of these policy tools.

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