The mindful path to meaning
Detaching from thoughts can lighten your mind about work but also strengthen its meaning site hosts the blogs written by members of Aalto University: faculty, staff and students. Visiting bloggers are invited by Aalto community members.
Our blogs is multilingual: the platform and general instructions will be in English to serve the whole community. However, each blogger and author can freely choose the language in which they publish.
Detaching from thoughts can lighten your mind about work but also strengthen its meaning
April's EDI discussion session's theme was Religions at Aalto. Read here what the facilitators from AaMu (Aalto Muslims Association) thought
Kiinteistöveron perusteena olevat verotusarvot ovat pahoin rämettyneet. Nyt on aika korjata tämä.
Self-transcendence is a question of the values you steer your life and career by.
Jos ihminen olisi kone, sen kyky säädellä energiatasojaan tilanteen mukaan, korjata ja kehittää itseään näyttäytyisi hämmentävän taidokkaana
With socioeconomic impact assessment it is possible to specify and quantify the impact that earth observation data has on our society.
Understanding the spectral behavior of bark might be surprisingly useful in remote sensing and other fields of research.
A review of Azure Lab Services in teaching the "Deep Learning with Audio" course at Aalto
Aurélien Nioche describes his recent work on a model that predicts learning outcomes days into the future
Aalto-yliopiston professori, jäätutkija Jukka Tuhkuri kertoo tutkimusmatkastaan Etelämantereelle.
Areeb shares his tips on setting goals as a student. Spoiler: reflecting on your values, skills and resources might be helpful.
Miksi itsemyötätunto on erityisen tärkeää yliopiston kaltaisissa yhteisöissä?
Policy, technology, and practice must be aligned to accomplish the shift to clean energy, say Aalto's experts.
Leigh Ewin, jack-of-all-trades at A Grid, tells the story of the recently established startup community.
Well, done! You have graduated, and landed a job. What are the next steps you can take to make your transition to the company smooth?
Simple changes in urban planning can reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon storage, offering tools to help meet emissions targets.
By processing lignin, cellulose, and other plant matter into new bio-materials, research is opening paths to sustainable alternatives.
Answers to the Q&A at the seminar on AI Revolution. We used AI to organize them and then had the AI answer them.
Especially the largest companies in the world have come to realise that measuring net impact is now an issue of “do or die.”
Masters student Areeb talks about his experiences studying in a masters programme at Aalto
Bachelor's student Amr gives tips on how how to kick off your studies at Aalto.
Anna Jensen will defend the doctoral thesis "Encyclopedia of In-Betweenness. An Exploration of a Collective Artistic Research Practice".
Rebecca Close defends the doctoral thesis "Post-Internet Queer Reproductive Work and the Fixed Capital of Fertility.
Aalto student Areeb shares ten whimsical and wondrous ways to conquer the roads of Finland and Aalto.
Chenyu reflects on her experience studying Human-Computer Interaction.
Professional cultures are largely invisible but transdisciplinary work requires recognizing and addressing their effect.
Riittääkö, että yritys itse tietää, miten se hoitaa veroasiansa, vai tuleeko myös sidosryhmille antaa tietoa periaatteista ja menettelyistä?
Aalto student Theodora explores the recycling culture in Finland
Petteri Orpon hallitusohjelma on pitkä, mutta on myös asioita, joita sen vero-osioissa ei lue.