The mindful path to meaning
Detaching from thoughts can lighten your mind about work but also strengthen its meaning site hosts the blogs written by members of Aalto University: faculty, staff and students. Visiting bloggers are invited by Aalto community members.
Our blogs is multilingual: the platform and general instructions will be in English to serve the whole community. However, each blogger and author can freely choose the language in which they publish.
Detaching from thoughts can lighten your mind about work but also strengthen its meaning
April's EDI discussion session's theme was Religions at Aalto. Read here what the facilitators from AaMu (Aalto Muslims Association) thought
Kiinteistöveron perusteena olevat verotusarvot ovat pahoin rämettyneet. Nyt on aika korjata tämä.
Self-transcendence is a question of the values you steer your life and career by.
Jos ihminen olisi kone, sen kyky säädellä energiatasojaan tilanteen mukaan, korjata ja kehittää itseään näyttäytyisi hämmentävän taidokkaana
With socioeconomic impact assessment it is possible to specify and quantify the impact that earth observation data has on our society.
Understanding the spectral behavior of bark might be surprisingly useful in remote sensing and other fields of research.
A review of Azure Lab Services in teaching the "Deep Learning with Audio" course at Aalto
Aurélien Nioche describes his recent work on a model that predicts learning outcomes days into the future
Aalto-yliopiston professori, jäätutkija Jukka Tuhkuri kertoo tutkimusmatkastaan Etelämantereelle.
Areeb shares his tips on setting goals as a student. Spoiler: reflecting on your values, skills and resources might be helpful.
Miksi itsemyötätunto on erityisen tärkeää yliopiston kaltaisissa yhteisöissä?
Policy, technology, and practice must be aligned to accomplish the shift to clean energy, say Aalto's experts.
Leigh Ewin, jack-of-all-trades at A Grid, tells the story of the recently established startup community.
Well, done! You have graduated, and landed a job. What are the next steps you can take to make your transition to the company smooth?
Simple changes in urban planning can reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon storage, offering tools to help meet emissions targets.
By processing lignin, cellulose, and other plant matter into new bio-materials, research is opening paths to sustainable alternatives.
Thesis: Turning the Tables: Emerging Practices of Pedagogic Architect
Thesis: Understanding Game Work Migration: Game Expats in Finland
Hi! I am Elisa Pöyry, a master’s student at Aalto University School of Business majoring in marketing. Previously, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Aalto BScBA program in Mikkeli campus with a major in international business. In this blog post, I will introduce the BScBA program and discuss the structure of studies, Mikkeli community, as well as possibilities to continue to the master’s program in Otaniemi campus.
When you first arrive in Finland to begin your studies, the semester typically starts in September. By then, it is late summer, transitioning into autumn, with plenty of sunlight and crisp, pleasant weather, not too hot, not too cold, just right. However, as the semester progresses, the days slowly get shorter, and the weather shifts, often catching you off guard. Before you know it, it is already cold, dark, and snowy, and the long summer days feel like a distant memory.
Hey! Welcome to a 'Day in the Life' here at Aalto University! For those of you who don't know me, I am Qiong, currently in my 2nd year in Interior Architecture here at Aalto, and today I will be taking you along in showing what a typical day looks like on campus.
Whenever I chat with friends or anyone considering moving to Finland for studies, I often get questions like, “Is life affordable there?”, “How easy is it to get a job?”, “How do you manage your finances?”, or “How much should I budget?”
I visited Caen and Paris, France, in September 2024 and learned more about digital health.
DigiIN-hankkeen webinaari perjantaina 13.12. klo 13–14.30 sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon digipalveluiden suunnitteluohjeista.
Iiris Hörhammer ja Sari Kujala julkaisivat uuden artikkelin yhteistyössä Pohjois-Karjalan hyvinvointialueen Siun-soten kanssa.
Iiris Hörhammer and Sari Kujala, in collaborating with Wellbeing Services County of North Karelia – Siun sote, published an new article.
Vierailin Ranskassa Caenissa ja Pariisissa syyskuussa 2024 tutustumassa sähköisiin terveyspalveluihin.
3rd year Design and Media student answers some the frequently asked questions of her programme
Blog from research group focusing on usability and accessibility of eHealth services.
This blog is for publicising research activities and events in the Department of Art and Media.
Aalto Squad student ambassadors' blog. Read all about student life and studies at Aalto University!
Aalto University fashion and textile students in collaboration with second-hand clothing seller Emmy, explore how the lifespan of discarded clothing could be extended through redesign approaches.
Blog posts from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University.
The blog explores themes that are telling of transdisciplinary strategy tools and experimental collaboration methods.
TechBytes are quick, snack-sized articles and videos covering research and innovation technology solutions and ways to boost your academic productivity.
Blogissa kommentoidaan ilmassa liikkuvia asioita verotuksesta, eläkerahoituksesta, julkisesta taloudesta ja sijoitusmarkkinoista.
Tutkijoiden kannanottoja parempien päätösten tueksi;
Bridging the gap between science and decision making
The unique combination of art, technology and business provides the perfect platform for innovation.