
Policy for Our blogs

This policy outlines guidelines for the use of ourblogs.aalto.fi

Ourblogs.aalto.fi site hosts the blogs written by members of Aalto community: faculty, staff, students and visiting bloggers, invited by Aalto community members.

The goal of the blog platform is to contribute to Aalto University's purpose in promoting free research and academic and artistic education, providing research-based higher education and educating students to serve their countries and humanity. The Aalto community actively collaborates with wider society and with international scientific and artistic communities to advance the impact of our research and artistic activities on society.

Five students working on laptops at a desk

Owners, authors and moderation

Only users with Aalto login credentials will have access to create a blog and post content. Every blog is managed by an owner who can add authors to their blog. Comments can be added by anyone.

Blog owners can moderate all comments left on posts belonging to their blogs. Blog authors can moderate comments left on their own posts. Users can comment anonymously. However, these will only become visible to the public once the blog owner or author has approved the comment. Anonymous commenters will be notified that their comment is awaiting approval.

The blogs represent the opinions and views of the blog owners, authors and commentators and not of Aalto University. The bloggers can choose the language of their blogs.

How to start a blog

Before setting up a blog, the blog team asks the Aalto community members to sign-up the blog.

In the sign-up form, we ask about the topic or central theme of the blog, the target audience, and the frequency of publishing the posts (rough estimate). The community member is also asked to name the blog owner as well as possible authors and to provide a sample post which can be a single paragraph or a longer post if available.

The blog team, headed by Aalto Communications Services, will review the information in maximum three (3) working days and create the blog template for the blow owner. The team will reach out to the community member if there’s any additional information they will need.

Code of conduct

All content – both blog posts as well as comments – posted in the Our blogs platform abides by the Aalto Code of Conduct:

  • In activities related to learning or working at Aalto or representing Aalto, the members of the Aalto community agree to:
    act honestly and with integrity 
    respect others regardless of their background  
    foster open discourse and free exchange of ideas  
    build mutual trust, and  
    actively care for the safety and well-being of themselves and others.
  • Employees should exercise good and ethical judgement in any public comment or activity, (including on social media). We understand our duty to be clear about whether we are acting in a personal or professional capacity in all our public activities.

Please respect copyrights. Do not copy, disseminate, alter or present other people’s works unless permission has been requested from the author or maker. Always remember to refer to the original source. Further information on copyrights is available at, e.g. Copyright Service for Arts Universities. Please also see Aalto's Recommendations and guidelines on social media.

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